Success Rates | Fertility Treatment — Society Hill Reproductive Medicine

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Success Rates

Society Hill Reproductive Medicine is a top tier fertility practice with the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART). All fertility clinics nationwide are required to report detailed statistics about their fertility cycles each year to SART. By integrating the most advanced clinical and laboratory techniques with highly personalized patient care, we have consistently reported success rates far above the national average.

Having said that, it is important to note that it is difficult to compare clinics as the types of patients, diagnoses and complexity of cases will vary. It is always important to determine if your center has experience with situations similar to your own.

We incorporate the techniques which research has proven to lead to higher successful pregnancy rates. These include blastocyst transfer, frozen embryo transfer and preimplantation testing. Additionally, as a multiple pregnancy is much higher risk for both mother and child we are presently performing single embryo transfer (SET) in over 98% of our patients.

Reporting of cycle data to SART and the CDC lags by two to three years as pregnancy outcome is required. Information for Society Hill Reproductive Medicine can be found at Also of use is a predictive success tool located on the SART website which can be used to calculate your chances of a successful IVF cycle based on age, diagnosis, BMI, sperm quality and AMH.